Originally published in the June 2020 edition of the Ostomy Halifax Gazette

Even though there was little on top, and even though it took about eight minutes to do the job, from putting on the apron to paying the bill, it made me feel SOOO CLEAN.

I tested the barber waters Friday June 5, the first day their shops were open after the almost three-month hiatus. I visited three different ones, between 8:30 and 9 a.m. on opening day. All three had lineups of at least 15 people, properly separated by the required six feet.

I went home. “Self - I can wait another day or five,’ I said to me.

But I really couldn’t. I was shaggy. My hair was covering my ears and, even with hearing aids, I was missing large portions of conversations.

Saturday June 6 at 8:30 a.m., I headed out again, to head off the head-shagginess.

This time, there were eight people waiting, and a shop person taking names and phone numbers to call when hair space became available.

June 2020 graphic.png

Faith and Begorrah! Lo and behold! After a quick trip to McDonalds for sustenance, and a mere wait of 15 minutes in my car in the barber’s parking lot, I was IN and SEATED. 

I asked the barber to make me look like George Clooney and she said she’d try.

However, at the end of the eight minutes, I looked more like George Burns, without the cigar.

Many people have returned to their offices or workplaces.  Gathering numbers have increased from five to 10. Restaurants are open, with limited seating but they ARE open.

I have returned to my office. I moved from my Lazy-Boy in the den to the dining room table where my laptop is located. I’m observing the regulations though - keeping myself six feet apart from me, and I’m also wearing a mask so I can’t be identified.

I have also stopped EXhaling so as not to infect anyone. I’m INhaling, though, and am now up to 340 lbs – of the usual hot air. I may have to exhale again soon.

And, like you, I’m hoping the ban on larger public gatherings is lifted soon. I miss you guys- miss seeing you, in person, at Ostomy meetings even though the ZOOM meetings – chapter on June 7 and business meetings on May 16 and June 20 - proved successful.

Even when we meet in person, will we be able to hug, shake hands, stand within a foot or two of each other? Maybe not, but just being able to look each other in the eye, or if we have two, eyes, will be a blessing.

I truly hope that our September chapter meeting is able to be held at the Bethune Ballroom where we can express our joy that this COVID thingee is over and behind us and we can get back to normality.

Blair Davis