A Message from the President – March 2020


We have a supportive and friendly group at Ostomy Halifax.  That has been my experience from the moment I walked into my first meeting in 1987.  I was welcomed with a handshake and kind and supportive words - I remember it well.  For years we have kept the traditions of Ostomy Halifax alive – we meet as a group most months, in a hospital building, we shake hands and hug, we eat treats our members bring in.  We are a community.

I heard one of our past presidents mention that, to their knowledge, we have never missed having a scheduled meeting.  It didn’t matter if it rained, snowed or if there was a hurricane (for example).  As that person said, if there is one person that shows up who is new and needs us, we want to be there for them.  That sentiment will never change.

You cannot turn on your TV or radio or look at social media now without seeing and /or hearing something about the spread of the novel coronavirus virus (COVID-19).  If you have been following the events and spread of the virus since the new year you already understand the potential threat the virus poses for us all.  This is a great site to read if you want to learn what the public health folks in Canada want you to know: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/being-prepared.html. The site makes many excellent points including that we all have a role to play to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19.  Additionally, it says:

There is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians:

  • aged 65 and over

  • with compromised immune systems

  • with underlying medical conditions

Given the information we currently have regarding this changing and evolving situation, we (i.e. the Business Team and I) feel it is prudent to cancel our April 5, 2020 general meeting at Bethune Hall, VG Site to protect the health and safety of our members.

Suspending the April meeting is not a decision that has been taken lightly.  We are committed as an organization to helping all ostomates and their families when they need it.  If you, or someone you know needs us or would like to talk to us, you can get us and answers you may be seeking in many ways. You will find the names and phone numbers of folks from Ostomy Halifax’s leadership listed in this newsletter.  Call us if you think we can help.  Our website may be helpful (www.ostomyhalifax.ca) as may be our Facebook Group (just search “Ostomy Halifax Society” once you are in Facebook).  You can also email me at president@ostomyhalifax.ca anytime.

Please think of this decision to suspend our April meeting not as ending a streak of Sunday general meetings but rather as a small sacrifice to look after our community.  This is what we are about, after all.

Very best,


Bill Power