Easter Message

Hi Everyone,

Let me introduce you to the Cookie (Monster) Bunny. He is making do with the situation he was dealt.  He knows it isn’t quite right, but he is pitching in for the Easter Bunny this year. Why? Well, because many world leaders have pronounced that the Easter Bunny is an essential worker. It happened in New Zealand, it has been declared in many Canadian provinces and frankly, I leave it to you to figure out where else that may be the case. So, the Cookie Monster, er Bunny, is doing what he can during the COVID-19 crisis to help the Easter Bunny and keep things as normal as possible for an overworked rabbit.


I thank the Cookie Bunny for his help and especially all the “real” essential workers that stock the grocery stores, patrol the streets, answer the emergency calls and look after us if we fall sick.

Easter is not going to be the same this year. But we are going to do our best. In our family we decided that our older girls will stay put at their place and the Cookie/Easter Bunny will visit them – never getting closer than 6 feet, washing his hands or paws profusely before touching treats and by using the telephone or by using video calling to check in later. Neither are we going to share a meal at the same table at Easter as a family. We are not going to gather this year to give ourselves the best chance of doing so once Coronavirus takes a hike.

So, this is my unconventional shot at wishing you a happy, safe and healthy Easter. We are all survivors and we shall survive this and support one another while doing it. So, Happy Easter and Happy Passover and I hope to see you all again soon.


Blair Davis